Ethical Culture
As a Humanist, Should I Seek to Escape This World?
The great religions, despite their tremendous diversity, are all based on the assumption that the human condition is in some sense problematic. As humanists, we don’t need to seek invulnerability from life’s hardships.Read More
The Enduring Relevance of Ethical Culture
Today, our world is much different than when Felix Adler founded Ethical Culture in 1876. Yet, of all the “religions of humanity” created in the 19th century, it alone has survived into the 21st. In this platform address, leader Joseph Chuman discusses why Ethical Culture has endured.Read More
“Should We Trust The Experts?” talk by Massimo Pigliucci
in News“For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert” – Arthur C. Clarke For any subject, unless we are an expert ourselves (or an expert in expertise itself!), we have to figure out whom to believe, which experts we can trust, which should be ignored. This is not an easy and we are reminded…
Einstein’s Religion
Einstein, a friend of Ethical Culture, believed that behind or within reality there exists an order that is rationally structured and is scrutable–but only partially–to the human mind. Einstein also believed that ethical behavior should be based on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs.Read More
The Enduring Relevance of Ethical Culture
Since the New Deal, government has taken on many of the social services formerly left to religious organizations. On the philosophical side, as more people attend college and learn humanities, they absorb values similar to ours. Where does this leave Ethical Culture in modern times? Society Leader Joseph Chuman answers that question.Read More
What Is Democracy and How Can We Reclaim It?
In his talk “What is Democracy and How Can We Reclaim It?”, Prof. Michael Thompson of William Paterson University took his audience back to a special time and place in history–Athens in 508 BC. He described the formation of the first democracy recorded in history, and democracy’s essential attributes. Read More
Ethics For a Lifetime
Joe Chuman, Leader of the Bergen Society, gave a personal and heartfelt Platform address this morning on the topic, “Ethics For a Lifetime”. This was not, as one might […]
Greg Zucker on “The Populist Attack on Democracy and Science”
Greg Zucker gave a thoughtful and provocative Platform address on Sunday (Sep 29) entitled, “The Populist Attack on Democracy and Science”. Greg is managing editor of Logos , a quarterly […]
Joe Chuman gave today’s Platform Address, “Is it About Me or Us? How Should I Direct My Life?”
We opened today’s Platform with the induction of new member Jamie and her two kids into Society membership by Membership co-chair Lisa Schwartz and ECS Pres. Susan Lesh. Jamie’s school […]
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