The Community Circle platform meeting held on Sunday, August 7, 2005, entitled When Patriotism & Ethics Clash, featured a participatory exercise called Values Voting, in which each person took a position, somewhere on the spectrum from complete agreement to complete disagreement, on a statement that was read to the group. After people took their positions, there was a brief discussion of the reasons for taking those positions, and then the group moved on to the next statement.
The statements were thought-provoking, as shown by the complete lack of unanimity, as well as the way participants reshuffled themselves across the whole spectrum of opinion and thoughtfully justified their positions, in response to each one.
Although we don’t usually post community circle platform summaries here, several people felt that these were intriguing enough to warrant sharing with the broader community for everyone’s consideration. Here, then, are the statements that were discussed.
Values voting statements
I believe that everyone of appropriate age should be willing to join the armed forces if the United States is ever involved in a war to defend ourselves or our allies.
I believe it’s all right to refuse to serve on a jury if serving would mean recognizing the right of the accused to legally carry a concealed weapon.
I would feel justified if I withheld the portion of my taxes that goes to support the military.
I feel justified in participating in a demonstration designed to seriously inconvenience my fellow citizens, as for example holding up traffic during rush hour.
I would rather live in another country if
Roe v. Wade were repealed
Prayer was officially re-instituted in public schools
If the President suspended elections because of the war
If all of the above happened at once
If they amended the constitution and elected Schwarzenegger President.