Society Elects Trustees and Committee Chairs

On May 17, we held our full membership meeting to elect our officers and committee chairpersons for the next year. We met in a different world than our last meeting in November. Physical distancing has separated us, but we have stepped up and are working together to keep ourselves socially connected. We have successfully moved to an online platform for our offerings, and our membership meeting was no different.

We used Zoom, which has a polling feature; after a little trial and error we were able to quickly gather votes. We successfully voted in our slate of nominees after passing a constitutional amendment to, upon majority vote of the Board of Trustees and membership, allow the term of office for a Board member to be extended for one additional year.

We had several unfilled openings for committee chairs and Perry and Beth Stein generously offered to fill the open positions of Building Chair and Ethical Education Chair. Thank you Perry and Beth!  Our leaders for next year:

Board of Trustees

President: Susan Lesh

Vice President: Eric Sandhusen

Secretary: Aimee Kass

Treasurer: Linda Bennett

Committee Chairs

Building: Perry Stein

Finance: Lucy Lettis/Esther Sandrof

Membership: Ron Schwartz/Ed Gross

Platform: OPEN

Social Action: Anne Wallman

Ethical Education: Beth Stein

Adult Education: Silvia Acosta

Family Programming: Mary Lavelle/Joanna Ebert

Communications: Terri Karp

Festivals: Alan Berger

Social Affairs: Diane Koszarski

Youth Activities: OPEN

I am so thankful for you, my Ethical community. These past two months have been difficult, and we are probably going to be in this for a while, but I am glad to be going through this with you.

Susan Lesh, president

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