Museums, including a pterodactyl, an Egyptian mummy and artists Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Andy Warhol, Rene Magritte and more, came alive for Skills Auction 2019, our Society’s annual fundraiser and friend-raiser. The auction committee, co-chaired by Mary Matsui and Tracey Kelley, worked for months behind the scenes to create their masterpiece–a beautifully designed, festive and rewarding event.
In addition to the co-chairs, the Skills Auction Committee members are Ed Gross, Susan Lesh, Janet Glass, Aimee Brett Kass, Shelley Raynault, Diana Gross, Lisa Hirschman, Diane Koszarski, and Bob Gordon. Auctioneers were Joe Chuman and Ken Karp. Pouncers were Jessica Schwartz, Thaddeus Orlowski, Paul Fine and Daniel Rosenblum.
Special thanks also go to Jessie Glass for creating the catalog design, to Serhat Akiska for creating the “You are here” floor plan maps, to Perry Stein for the oversize printing that resulted in the face-in-art pieces and the pattern pieces for the giant pterodactyl. Thanks also to Anne Wallman, who led the Sunday school children in their own special creative-art program.