Who Is a Hero?
The Elementary Class will study a series of characters to investigate what character traits people have who exemplify the Ethical Core Values. From this, they will be able to create a personal and class definition of “hero.” The students will be examining fictional characters, superheroes, real children and adults—from our time and place as well as historical and world-wide—and interviewing the grown-ups they know and love to find out about the people they admire. The students will create a scrapbook of heroes and their qualities to take home at the end of the year.
Conflict Resolution/World Religions
The Junior Class will be searching for ways to resolve conflict peacefully and creatively. They will be examining reasons for conflicts, types of conflicts, and how to diffuse difficult situations. Later in the year, they will begin their year-and-a-half long study of world religions. It’s quite amazing how similar most religions are at the core; many have values very similar to our Ethical Core Values. Plus, we’re looking forward to the creation of the World Religions game, a past hit both to create and play!
Taking Care of the Earth
There are many problems this Earth faces, in many different places on Earth, and — hopefully — many opportunities for action to help solve the problems. In this year, the Senior class will focus on a few issues, in a few places on Earth, to examine the ecology of the area, the root causes of the hazard, and what we — as individuals and a community — can do to help. During each unit of study, the students will examine the issues from the perspective of the Ethical Core Values.
Ethical Core Values
Every person is important and unique.
Every person deserves to be treated fairly and kindly
I can learn from everyone.
I am a part of this earth; I cherish it and all life upon it.
I learn from the world around me by using my senses, mind and feelings.
I am a member of the world community which depends on the cooperation of all people for peace and justice.
I can learn from the past to build for the future.
I am free to question.
I am free to choose what I believe.
I accept responsibility for my choices and actions.
I strive to live my values.
I view ethics as my religion.