FEB 5 The Origin and Legal Tradition of the Establishment Clause
Dr. Steven Green, Willamette University
Steven K. Green is the Fred H. Paulus Professor of Law and Affiliated Professor of History and Religious Studies at Willamette University. He is the author of five books and more than forty scholarly articles on the intersection of history, law, and religion. Professor Green has extensive litigation and appellate experience in First Amendment law involving issues such as school prayer, public funding of religious institutions, public religious displays, religious discrimination, religious free exercise and freedom of speech. He has participated in several cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
FEB 12 Who Stands to Lose if the Wall Fails? The Real Life Consequences of the End of the Establishment Clause
Brian Silva, Americans United for Separation of Church & State
Brian Silva, Vice President of Outreach and Engagement at AU, has three decades of organizing experience rooted in creating change through education and advocacy that is intersectional, collaborative and grassroots. After working as a high school history teacher and mentor, Brian became a leader in the LGBTQ+ movement as the Executive Director of Marriage Equality USA where he helped pave the way to legalize marriage for same-sex couples.