The Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County has fundraising events to support the work of the Society. However, we also provide financial help to some groups and individuals who are moving in positive directions.
In Honor or Memory
What happens to your money when you donate in memory of a loved one? Or in honor of a special event? That donation goes to the Commemorative Committee. In the spring of 2015, this committee fueled the efforts of the Coalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains (photo above) with a donation of $1,000. They also granted $1,000 to the Hackensack Riverkeeper to help with the purchase of a much-needed truck for environmental clean ups.
Selene Katz, a late member, established a fund to provide financial aid for students in need who had academic potential. At the Installation and Recognition dinner held in the June, the Recognition Committee provided two $500 scholarships from the Selene Katz Fund to brothers from the Rosa Parks School of Fine and Performing Arts in Paterson, NJ. Both boys from the Soto family are going on to further their education, Emilio at Seton Hall and Jamil at the Berklee School of Music.
Having fun while doing good is another way the Society gives. Ethical Brew invites singer-songwriters to perform at the Ethical Culture Coffeehouse. The Society donates part of the proceeds to a charity usually chosen by the musicians. Among the recipients have been Autism Speaks, Doctors Without Borders, The Bergen County Sanctuary Committee and Why Hunger?
Do you wonder where your money goes when you buy lunch with the leader? Check back with us next month to see where else our Society gives financial support.