Sunday School Wraps Up Year of Giving and Doing for Others

Sunday School at food bank
After sorting and packing food, our young food bank volunteers cleaned up.

Our Society’s Sunday School has had an impressive year of helping others. Their food bank volunteering in December, when they spent many hours sorting and packing groceries for holiday-season distribution at the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley in Croton-on-Hudson, NY, is just the latest learning-by-doing lesson.

Also in 2021, the Sunday School raised over $4,000 for an orphanage in Uganda, nearly $800 for the Center for Food Action in Englewood, and over $450 to help fight childhood cancer by running a lemonade stand in Teaneck.

The Sunday School children were also among those who participated in all-ages environmental action projects in North Jersey this fall, led by Interim Leader Curt Collier.

Through such work, children get a powerful lesson in the values of Ethical Culture, including a belief in the dignity and worth of every person, says Samantha Stankiewicz, director of Ethical Education, adding that the students are also following a long tradition in Ethical Culture of improving their communities through social action. “Due to Covid restrictions, we had to rethink our Sunday School activities a bit and we followed the simple motto of Ethical Culture: Deed before creed,” she said.

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