Members Pass Budget and Constitutional Changes

We again held a successful full membership meeting via Zoom. The primary business of the Nov. 15 meeting was voting on our budget for next year and the proposed Constitutional changes.

Joe, in reporting on the State of the Society, noted his upcoming retirement and observed that events have a coloring of sadness. I noted the gift we are preparing for Joe, a book illuminating some of his prodigious legacy. To have your personal tribute to Joe be a part of this book, please send it to Beth Stein ([email protected]) or Theresa Forsman ([email protected]) by Dec. 10.

I noted that Joe’s leadership style promoted active lay leaders in the Society, so we’ll be relying on our ability to step up as we move forward. The Leadership Advisory Committee is searching for an interim leader (see article, Page 3) to help the community with the transition. A larger search committee will be formed to take on the task of finding a permanent leader.

Reduction in revenue

The budget discussion was led by Finance Co-Chairs Esther Sandrof and Lucy Lettis. There were some assumptions made in the development of the budget, but they noted that given the unknown fallout of the virus, it may need to be revisited. There was some reduction in expectation of revenue, given the inability to fundraise via the Skills Auction and Ethical Brew. Rhymes and Reasons, our main rental, might have an uncertain future, as universal preschool may be instituted.

Some expenses were reduced, given Joe’s retirement; budgeted leader salary costs were cut by 20 percent. We are assuming we may be back in the build-ing, with some degree of normalcy, by next September. The budget of almost $212,000 passed unanimously.

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee presented amendments to the Constitution that had been approved by the Board of Trustees. The changes mostly reflected how the board and committees currently perform their duties, electronic notification to the membership, simplification of some of the language, and allowing modification of specifically mentioned dates for events. These amendments passed unanimously. 

Suggested topics for spring

A larger discussion of topics to be addressed for the spring membership meeting was held. Suggested topics included: withdrawal language, proxy voting, minimum pledge, restrictions on the Commemorative Fund, restrictions on co-chairs, relaxing requirements for board positions and committee chairs, and moving some language to the bylaws. These topics will be addressed by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and Board of Trustees through the winter and spring, for consideration at the spring membership meeting.

Thank you to all who participated.

Susan Lesh, president

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