Meet newest members Jessica Schwartz and Thaddeus Orlowski

Our newest members are Jessica Schwartz and her husband Thaddeus Orlowski. Jessica, who is the daughter of longtime members Ron and Lisa Schwartz and is a graduate of our Society’s Sunday School, wants to join a community that believes in humanism. She loves the creative arts and enjoys acting, dancing, painting and creative writing. Jessica has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Hofstra University and a master’s of social work from Wurzweiler School of Social Work.

Thaddeus Orlowski and Jessica Schwartz

Jessica liked being raised in a family that encouraged humanistic values and discussion about social-political topics. While she was growing up, the Schwartz family dinners often included debate. Jessica is happy to be sharing the community she grew up in with her husband, Thaddeus, who was born and raised in Teaneck, the son of a teacher and a college professor and the youngest of seven children. He has a degree in digital communications from New York University and has worked in the non-profit sector for 15 years, currently managing communications and development for an organization that serves people with developmental disabilities.

Jessica and Thaddeus live in Suffern, NY, with their rescue cat, Mountain. Having had a childhood friend who grew up in the Ethical Culture Society and having been introduced to our Society by Jessica, Thaddeus is joining to become part of a larger community, to meet new people and to better channel his energy and efforts toward positive social change.

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