Gender Explorations Accountability Circle Update

The Gender Explorations Accountability Circle met for the second time on Saturday, Feb. 25. We selected a second book to read to bring in an alternative position to the Joyce book to continue broadening and better informing our discussions. We decided upon The Transgender Issue: Trans Justice Is Justice for All, by Shon Faye. While there are multiple titles that we might have used, we decided upon this book based on reviews written in The Guardian and The Evening Standard. For our next meeting, on March 25, we will be reading the Introduction and first chapter in Faye’s book.

We also recognize that there are multiple sources that might be useful for our discussions, but we agreed that a more thoughtful approach would be to explore the aforementioned texts until such time as we determine that we have mined all the knowledge and wisdom that they have to offer during an initial reading.

Our monthly meetings, on the last Saturday of each month at 9 am on Zoom, will continue through June and then pause until September. We hope you will be joining us.

Dwight Panozzo

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