Art at the Sunday School

Samantha Stankiewicz, Artist in Residence[/caption] Meet the Sunday School’s newly appointed Artist in Residence Samantha Stankiewicz. Samantha has been a member of the Ethical Culture Society since 2001. She currently works at Somerville Elementary School in Ridgewood NJ where she has been an art teacher for grades one through five for the past 17 years.

Samantha recently agreed to work with the Sunday School to add more art and craft projects to our curriculum and beautify our space. Thus far she has designed the bulletin board in our lobby and worked with students to make cards for members who are in poor health or have moved away. In the upcoming weeks she will be working with the senior class to design posters for the upcoming Uganda Dinner.

We are excited to be working so closely with Samantha and look forward to the collective art works that will be produced.

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