In this philosophical discussion group, which meets on Zoom, the evening’s discussion topic is chosen by the participants.
Socrates Café is a movement to bring philosophy outside the academic setting. It helps those of us who are not professional philosophers develop our critical thinking skills by interacting respectfully and actively with others who share a love of ideas. The atmosphere is informal and conducive to an interchange among thoughtful people of all ages.
Topics are suggested by those present, and one subject is selected by group consensus. The remainder of the time is spent exploring the topic. In the process, the group is exposed to a wide range of ideas, alternative views, and mental stretching. Underlying the evening’s exercise is a process of refining one’s ability to think critically about a subject. Members and non-members are welcome.
For access to the Zoom link on the day of the meeting, please rsvp on the Socrates Café Meetup page.