New At The Brew…

A Bit Of Funny Business And A Whole Lot More!

If comedy is your cup of tea (or joe), you won’t want to miss “Coffeehouse of the Absurd”, coming to Ethical Brew on Saturday, October 3, at 8pm, a musical collaboration featuring the comedic wit of skilled troubadour MIKE AGRANOFF and award-winning songwriter/humorist, JOHN FORSTER. In case you are not familiar with John, it is obvious that he fell asleep one too many times as a child listening to his Tom Lehrer albums. This is evidenced by his twisted sense of humor, his delightfully skewed view of the human condition, and his prodigious skills as a pianist. His songs have a knack for taking the plausible but improbable, and leading that to its implausible but inevitable conclusion by way of unlikely rhymes, horrible puns and ironic satire. Together with Mike Agranoff, a returnee to Ethical Brew, this evening of comedy and satire is guaranteed to leave you in stitches! The recipient charity for this show is Autism Speaks, suggested by Mr. Forster who is seeking to raise awareness for this cause that he says has “hugely impacted” his extended family members. Tickets for this zany event are now available through the Society’s website ( or on our brand-new, dedicated website, Tickets are $20 online/$25 at the door. Volunteers are always needed — contact Beth or Perry Stein at [email protected] or [email protected].

And speaking of new, in addition to our new website, artfully designed by the talented Jesse Glass, who generously donated her services, we have a whole lot of great music in store for you at Ethical Brew this season. Mark your calendar now for these great shows…

  • October 3 – Coffeehouse of the Absurd with Mike Agranoff/John Forster
  • November 21 – Gathering Time/Guest Opener: Ron Renninger
  • January 9 – Hannah & Maggie/Rob Lytle
  • February 13 – Pat Wictor/Introducing “Annika”
  • March 12 – Joe Crookston
  • April 9 – The Kennedys/Guest Opener: Lords of Liechtenstein
  • May 14 – Robinson & Rohe

Note: all dates are Saturday evenings at 8pm. Tickets are still only $20 online/$25 day of show

Please help support Ethical Brew by attending our shows, telling your friends, and liking/sharing our events on you Facebook page. Additionally we always need help with distributing fliers, creating buzz online and assisting at shows in a variety of ways. All those interested in volunteering this season should contact Beth or Perry Stein.

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