Janice Rubenstein passes away at age 97

Long-time ECSBC member Janice Rubenstein, 97, died on January 27, 2015. Janice and her husband, Jack Rubenstein, then Teaneck residents, joined The Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County in its infancy in 1955. According to her daughters, Janice and Jack knew immediately that this was the perfect “home” for them. Janice always enjoyed the deep connection to the Society and the lifelong friendships and camaraderie that were not found elsewhere. This was the main focus of their lives along with raising their four daughters in the Ethical Sunday School, all of whom are graduates. She was dedicated to the work of the Society and its members. She taught in the Sunday school, welcomed new members, personally transported members in need to platform meetings and was always willing to help wherever needed.

If you were lucky enough to “win” a ticket to one of her famous skills auction dinners, you were treated to an amazing experience. Janice would prepare a gourmet feast featuring traditional cuisine from the country they had recently visited. After dinner, you would be treated to a show of Jack’s award winning slides from the same trip. These dinners were so desirable that they “sold out” quickly but there was always room for one or more of the Rubenstein daughters to come for dinner and enjoy the evening with family friends. All four daughters had a reunion at the Society’s 60th anniversary Gala in November 2013.

Janice was born on Jan. 4, 1918 in New Rochelle, NY, and lived in Teaneck for many years. She had been living with her daughter Adrienne and family in Grand Blanc, Michigan for the past 10 years.

A memorial service and luncheon to celebrate her life will be held on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 at the Society Meetinghouse.

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