What is the Ethical Society and the Ethical Movement?

The Ethical Culture Society is a fellowship of people who seek clarification of the values of life and a faith to live by . They cherish freedom of the mind and freedom of conscience. Their affirmation is the worth and dignity and possibilities of every person. The common ground is the concern with the relation of human beings to one another.

Which goals are stressed when developing curriculum?

As a humanistic religious community we nurture our children to be kind and fair, and to work together to create a better world. We strive to create an environment that is safe, friendly and inspiring, in which children are supported as they grapple with life’s big questions.

Can children be enrolled Sunday School even if the adults in their lives are not ECSBC members?

All children, regardless of membership, are welcome to participate. After a three-week trial, registration and payment is required. To ensure safety, parents or guardians must be onsite at all times for children in fifth grade or younger.

What is the cost of Sunday School at ECSBC?

There is no tuition for members. Non-member families pay $200 for the first child, $300 total if enrolling two or more children. All families, member and non-member, pay a $50 materials and snack fee per child.  Payment may be made as a lump sum or broken into installments. Those joining the Sunday School mid-year pay a pro-rated fee. Scholarships are provided, if needed. No one is refused for financial reasons.

Are there ever opportunities for the different age groups to interact with each other?

There are many opportunities for children of different age groups to interact with each other. Opportunities include our Sunday School projects, seasonal celebrations, playground play and family programming events.

What types of activities happen on a typical day in Sunday School?

Sunday school classes meet on-site at the Society building on Sunday mornings concurrent with the Sunday Platform service from 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. All students meet begin in the Main Hall for the first 10-15 minutes of the service before going to their classrooms.

How large are the classes and which ages do they encompass?

Class sizes are based on enrollment . We strive for small, intimate groups. Our current age groupings are: Preschool, Kindergarten-2nd grade, 3rd – 5th grade & 6th – 8th grade. And the Coming of Age Group.

Do the children attend the Platform service?

The children often attend the first 10 -15 minutes of the Platform service before going to their classes. Several times a year there are multi-generational Platforms, formatted to accommodate the full range of ages.

How are parents involved in the classes?

The ECSBC Sunday School is a cooperative effort which depends upon volunteers to staff our programs. Parents can volunteer to share a particular skill such as writing, music, art, science, gardening, etc.

Do classes meet year-round?

Yes, with multi-age Summer Programming from July through August.

Do the classes take field trips?

We schedule occasional field trips to enhance the curriculum. We have taken field trips to Ellis Island, the Tenement Museum, Teaneck Community Gardens, Darwin Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History, and the Cloisters to name a few.

Do the children engage in service-oriented projects?

The children engage in many forms of service-oriented projects. The following list is a representative sampling of their activities. They have organized a fundraising dinner to benefit AIDS orphans in Uganda, donated toys for hospitalized children, and supported the Ramapo No Kill Animal Shelter.